Our next virtual school Mass will be on Tuesday, December 8 at 9:45. December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and is a holy day of obligation for Catholics. This feast celebrates Mary, the Mother of God’s special role in salvation history. The church teaches that from the moment of her conception, Mary was free from Original Sin.
We are offering our Mass in thanksgiving for the recent appointment of Cardinal Wilton Gregory to the College of Cardinals. We are proud that he is the first African
American leader of our archdiocese and the first African American cardinal from the United States. He will be one of 120 cardinals who will choose the new pope whenever the time comes. All the Catholic schools are presenting Cardinal Gregory with a spiritual bouquet in honor of his call to greater leadership and service. A spiritual bouquet is a collection of prayers. We will be saying a decade of the rosary following Mass for Cardinal Gregory and his intentions.