Lent is a time to take stock of our relationship with God and make a more strategic effort to repent and grow in holiness. During Lent, Christians are called to give more attention to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These three Lenten disciplines will be the focus of religion classes for all grades. Students and their families have two projects that address the practice of sharing with those in need (almsgiving). The first project is a continuation of one started before the sudden shut down of school in December. Donations are needed to make goodie boxes for the homeless. See attached flyer. The second project is the annual Operation Rice Bowl which benefits many people in third world countries. All family members are asked to make sacrifices and put money saved in the cardboard rice bowl that will be given to the oldest child on Ash Wednesday. The last day of school before Easter break the students bring in their rice bowl money where it is then sent to Catholic Relief Services to support their projects overseas. The students will be learning about some of the countries and projects that their generosity supports.
During Lent the students will have more opportunities to prayer. They will pray Stations of the Cross and participate in Adoration. Catholic students will also have the opportunity to go to confession.